These past few months, I have been trying my best to be active whenever I can and in any way possible but I have never really done it consistently. I know I just have to take the first few steps for me to build my momentum but most of the time, I just could not bring myself to go the gym or just run. I sometimes use the soreness of my muscles from the previous workout as an excuse for skipping and not following through the following days just to justify my decision, which is really bad. However, there are also times that I surprise myself by having that much gusto and enthusiasm to workout! It is just that unpredictable. What I have with working out is actually a love and hate relationship and I am already tired with this unending cycle! So now, I just want to be consistent about it, stick with it and follow through on it.
To workout, whatever kind it may be, for a minimum of 1 hour everyday.
- I want to see if a 30-day continuous workout could actually do something for me. Nonetheless, I know that I will feel so much better at the end of it!
- The summer season is already nearing and it would be a nice accomplishment to have a rocking body to go along with it. I am not fat but I am not thin either. I have bulges made of flabs in some strategic parts of my body (haha!) like my tummy, arms and thighs but I do not abhor them! I just want to have a more toned physique and to look better!
- Other than to look great, I am doing this because I would like to feel good inside, too. These past couple of months I have gained 5 lbs (from 117 lbs to 122 lbs) primarily because I ate too much and failed to sweat it out. Not too much weight you might say but the weight is not really the issue here. Gaining those 5 lbs made me tire easily and moreover, I now pant even if I just ascend a couple of flight of stairs!
- I cannot quantify for now what I will get from this challenge but I would want to lose weight and fit in a pair of skinny jeans my dad bought for me last November.
- March 16 to April 14