March 19, 2014.
AM. Since I was not able to workout the day prior, I made it a point to visit the gym first thing in the morning. It has been so long since I last worked out in the morning because more often than not I feel rather tired and sleepy during the remainder of the day but not this time though! I started the work out warming up on the thread mill followed by a lot of weightlifting and toning for the arms and back which left my arms aching like crazy! Nonetheless, I have already come to terms with the pain since I am oh-so-familiar with what I will be getting from what I am doing and the benefits far outweigh the inconveniences. Other than this, I am happy that I could now plank for a minute and a half which I cannot do when I was just starting out! Little victories may be but with these little steps I would be able to get to my goal soon! I can already see and feel the difference that this challenge is making for my physique.
PM. If there is anything I look forward to at the start of the week, it would be my Zumba classes. I enjoy my Zumba classes partly because I could just dance my heart out and not care about anything else and mostly because of my very sexy and charming instructor, Ms. Jill Ngo. She is beautiful but her gracefulness is something else; it is unmatchable that everyone in her class would just want to be like her! That day she was experiencing the dreaded monthly monster that every woman experiences until later in their lives. Sad it may be that we did not do Zumba because she was in pain that day and she could not do rigorous moves but I was glad that it did happen as she had introduced us to Belly Dancing. It was my first time to do a full Belly dancing class! Belly dancing with its lady like, graceful movements is harder than I thought. It is hard because this dance is all about control. Even though you want to give it all, you have to constrict your movements to finer ones. You are to use smaller spaces because you do not want to lose the refinement as compared if you are to do bigger movements. You want to maintain the fluidity, elegance and gracefulness of the dance. You are to be more feminine than ever. And this control made the muscles of my body ache too like never before.