With the current success of my board examination, I always am finding myself hearing this question:
"What are your plans now that you are an engineer?"
The impact of the question hit me as one of my bosses asked me this. To tell you the truth, the question did not surprised me. What surprised me more is the fact that while pondering and finding the right answer to the question, I could probably say now that I have never been this lost before. Do not get me wrong, I do have plans, but I have not been briefed about the fact that choosing what path you want to take is harder as compared to never having a plan at all.
It kind of feels like standing in an intersection but only worse.
I am more than happy to have reached this point. More than happy that He had helped me through it all. I am constantly thinking that this is it! The starting point of my career. The beginning of it all. The moment I have long been waiting for. However, it seems like all my plans had been tangled by my happiness and gratitude for all of this. Having a great title written before your name is more than just glamour and popularity. It is the fruit of your labor. The indication of a good life ahead of you. And in turn stands as a suggestion that a greater responsibility is being bestowed upon you. Great power does really imply a greater responsibility. But I am happy to know that the world is giving me its trust to do my part.
Maybe now, I am still boggled by all of this but I strongly believe that my life is constantly unfolding according to His plans. I'll just have to work and wait for it.
April 29, 2009. Written by Lav Acacio.