Project 365: Day 2
Settings: f2, 1/180 second, ISO 1250
Kimi was sleeping when I came home earlier. I also noticed that his hair was tied up, thanks to my mom. My mom told me that she tied Kimi’s hair but when she already was trying to remove it, Kimi was crying every time she does so. So she just left it there. He still looked so manly by the way. When he woke up, my mom lightly removed the hair tie so that he would not notice that the tie has been removed. Sneaky! It created this semi-mohawk look though which looked so bad boy and cool.
Today my photos were still blurry but what I chose to focus on today was the ISO. After a few days of getting this camera, I set the ISO to be in Auto so that I would not have to think about it anymore. It proved to be so useful to me to have done so while we were in Singapore as I only just needed to think about adjusting the Shutter Speed and Aperture. Earlier, I did not know what has gotten into me but I just wanted to shoot in manual mode. Most of my photos came out to be overexposed. I was shooting at a higher ISO than usual earlier and I had forgotten as well to decrease the exposure. I think I also got too excited with the ISO as I hiked it up to the thousands which looked so beautiful in the LCD but not in my laptop.
Oh well, here’s to another lesson learned!