Project 365 Day 11: Night Illuminated
f/2, 1/180 sec, ISO 8000
Just got home from being out the whole day. The weather did not get better but this did not deter us from going out! We went first to a shopping mall and got Kimi a down jacket for winter. After which, we had lunch in this amazing restaurant that offers yum cha and roamed around until around 6 PM. We then drove to a light show festival in a nearby suburb. It was so cold when we got out of the car that we decided to go back in and go home to dress more appropriately for the weather. In just under 30 minutes, we were back again in the middle of the action. There were a lot of food trucks in the event but we ended up getting some pork ribs for ourselves. You can never go wrong with ribs! We then proceeded to the viewing area for the light and water show and waited there along with thousands of people. It was not too long until the show started - fireworks first and then a light and water show. Both shows were incredible! I was so amazed the entire time. I am so glad we were able to witness it.
I think it is my first time to use my camera in this weather condition: windy, rainy and cold. Nonetheless, it really helped to know that my lens is weather resistant as it gave me that extra confidence that my camera lens can do its job despite the weather. Still there were some minor challenges that I experienced while shooting. The proximity to the fireworks which limited my field of view. The low light condition. The distractions. There were not too many but they still can affect the final results of my photos.
I was able to capture some good photos. I hope to share them to you in my gallery. Just watch out for them!