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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

Project 365 Day 60: It Continues

Project 365 Day 60: It Continues

I failed to take a picture last Friday so I am posting two photos from our Yarra Valley trip last Saturday. This winery, Domaine Chandon, is my second favourite destination in the vicinity. I just adore how picturesque it is. I just realize now that I have already been quite a few times but I have not drank wine here. If only I could then I would but since I am the designated driver then maybe this will just be something to look forward to in the unknown future. Or maybe I will just buy a bottle and swig it at home. The possibilities.

Project 365 Day 61: Push Cart

Project 365 Day 61: Push Cart

Project 365 Day 59: Yarra Valley

Project 365 Day 59: Yarra Valley