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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

Better Days

Better Days

We are back in lockdown again and it has already been 3 weeks since it started and we are still counting. It looks like the lockdown is not coming to a close yet this week as the cases are still subsiding but my hopes are still high that these better days are coming. Days when we can all go out whenever and wherever we please. Days when we can enjoy the sun and nature without limitations.

Nonetheless, staying home means more quality time to spend with family and my thoughts and more time to spend with Kimi.

He has been reading a lot lately. The spark just started with a couple of reading/phonics apps and now that spark had already gotten bigger. He is now reading early reader books and I can see that he loves it - not always though as there are times that he detests it as I am pushing him more than I should. I try as much as I could not to impose and push hard but sometimes I cannot help but to challenge him as well and push him to his limits especially when I see how much he is developing. I bought him a few Dr Seuss books when he was starting out but since he already finished the beginner books I ordered a couple of book collections by Dr Seuss and PD Eastman to supplement. I think he is learning to love reading faster than I was anticipating. He is halfway through the book collections so I am back again researching for book sets (leaning towards Mr Men and Elephant & Piggie books this time!). It is such a shame as well that the library is closed as we could have been visiting more frequently if they had been open.

We also upgraded his bike to a bigger bike, still with training wheels as we are getting closer to warmer months and longer days. I want to explore trails that we have here nearby on our bikes and I would love to explore them with him. As of now, he is still learning to use his bike, learning how to brake and manouvre it. Baby steps!

Combating The Guilt That Resides in Parenting