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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

New Look

You probably noticed that the look of my blog have changed in a pretty huge way, thanks to the eye-candy header and cute portrait that are now on it!

Both are drawn by the beautiful Laura Caldentey, an illustrator based in Germany, whom I just want to give a shout out to for helping me concretize and execute the look that I want to achieve for my header and portrait. She has been very attentive, patient and have been veeeerry accommodating and easy to deal with all through out the process which I really appreciated. Props for her creativity, great eye for details and sheer awesomeness! I am currently in love with my new header and portrait that I want to pinch them like crazy!

If you find her works interesting and cute (like I did about a month ago when I was still scouring!) or should you wish for her to make an illustration or design for you of some sort for your website, logo, business cards or for any other thing for that matter, you can just head on to her blog or website to brief her on an idea you have in mind or to inquire about the prices. I just feel thankful and extremely lucky that I found her!

Guagua: Luring's BBQ House

Kapitolyo: Ninak