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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

Daily Post #34: Search for a Breast Pump

There’s a Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo going on this weekend in Melbourne. I was able to score a free ticket 2 weeks ago so I went earlier to see what’s in there.

To tell you truthfully, I have not done much research yet on what I need to buy for our baby. I just know that we have to buy a cot with mattress, car seat, towels, blankets, cloth diapers, shirts, socks, mittens, bottles and pump… and the rest are just to be determined when Bibibam is already here.

The expo is filled with pregnant ladies like me navigating their way through the crowd and parents strolling prams. I haven’t even started with my shopping and yet they were already carrying big plastic bags of their recent purchases.

I made my way to every aisle in the expo and checked every booth there is. I found some amazing booths in there but since I am so fixated in finding a Spectra S2 (which by the way has a lot of positive reviews from users) I just walked past most of them. I also scanned in my ticket’s QR code, whenever I can, and joined in the shops’ raffle draws. A lots of stores are giving away amazing prizes so I hope that I could win even just one! There were also lots of free-taste booths in the expo and I remember going back again and again to the Jalna booth which are prepping small portions of all their flavors and giving these out to the expo-goers. I think I had one for each flavor and that made my stomach full until dinner.

Anyway, I was not able to find any Spectra pumps in there but I had a lot of fun sitting down to hear some talks about the labour process, free-tasting and getting free stuffs and samplers from some of the booths there. I am planning to go back again tomorrow to check some onesies and other things that our baby might need. I was just so tired after almost 3 hours of non-stop walking and carrying the pink bag they’ve issued filled with lots of stuffs along with these 2 big-ass books I borrowed from the library.

Daily Post #35-37 : Baby Stuffs Haul (1/2)

Daily Post #32-33: Melbourne Basics (2/2)