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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

Daily Post #83: I'm On Maternity Leave

Maternity leave is on and now I am back!

I know I haven’t written for a while now and I have already missed out on a lot of daily posts but I’ll make up for them. This past month had just been so busy and tiring for this momma-to-be. With me carrying my ever-growing baby boy in my tummy, ticking off tasks from my to-do lists and still going to work until Friday last week, I really had not had much sanity and willpower left to cook up daily posts. All I ever wanted to do until last week upon arriving home from work is to just sit back and stare into nothingness. But now, I already have all the time in the world to write while we wait for our baby boy to arrive!

Aaron’s back as well which makes me so happy! He had been here for about 4 weeks now and I can’t tell you how things had become easier and lighter around here when he arrived. During times like this, it really makes a huge difference when your partner (or someone) is there with you. I know how hard it is when he is not here by my side as we had to endure it for a short time that is why this is not something that I am taking for granted. His presence is a blessing and I am thankful for it everyday.

Daily Post #84-85: Childbirth Education Class

Daily Post #79-82: Peeling Off My L's (3/3)