I’ve encountered two recent rejections. One is work-related and the other one is a more personal one. Nonetheless, both bothered me. Though they both bothered me, my reaction to each was polar-opposite. I was left stunned by the first one while I was in fight-mode with the second one. It is ridiculous. I have not done anything yet to alleviate my situation for the work-related rejection while I was determined to completely turn the situation around to achieve the more personal one the moment I got off the phone with the person who told me that I had been rejected. I called up another person instantly that might help me. He said he probably could, so I tried again. Maybe it’s the fear of rejection that had been bothering me or the overwhelming feeling to take the first step that is getting into me. This is not the first time that a rejection happened but why don't I learn? Why is it hard for me to take the first step when it is inevitable to do so? I think it is because the fear is stronger than the will. I have to have a reason stronger than my fear. My husband let me see that I have to look past my pride and self-serving reasons. I have to see that this is not anymore just about me. I actually have a reason now that should transcend all the fear that I have and that is our baby.