All tagged buffet

Crystal Jade Dining IN: Weekend Dimsum Buffet is Back!

METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES. The loved Weekend Dimsum Buffet of Crystal Jade Dining IN is now back by popular demand! Running during the weekends from 2 PM to 5 PM, we arrived in the restaurant a little after 2 PM to fully maximize the already money-worthy buffet. Upon taking our seats, we were then presented with a menu and an order form. The menu served as a guide for us to know the main ingredients of the dishes and the form, on the other hand, proved to be helpful in setting the limitations. Not all the dim sum items found in their menu is included in the roster, however, this fact should not discourage you in trying out this buffet.

Cravings' 'Fresh Picks', Here to Please

METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES. The weekend is here again and I know there are a lot of you who are still looking for something new to do and try out. Well, I got something up my sleeve for those who are on the lookout for some nice and healthy thing to do, and I know this might shock you but it involves eating buffet!

Buffet in Richmonde Cafe in Richmonde Hotel Ortigas

METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES. I hold mixed feelings when it comes to buffets. Sometimes I like them, but more often than not I do not. Because quantity usually wins over quality. And quantity is given more priority to the point that quality is being compromised or worse, dropped from the equation. Restaurants just sometimes want to put more food out there without putting much effort into conceptualizing great food that everyone will commend and enjoy.