Project 365 Day 36: Drive-in Movie
f/2.0, 1/8 sec, ISO 2000
We booked last-minute movie tickets for the Avengers earlier. It was just a spur-of-the-moment decision. Aaron was just talking about the movie and telling me in passing that it is already showing today in cinemas. Since it seemed exciting and I, as well, have not gone to a cinema yet since I moved here, I immediately checked for available showtimes today nearby. It was only while I was browsing that I remembered how I want to try and go in in a drive-in cinema. Now that sounded interesting and also practical! I booked in the earliest time that we can come in and voila 2 hours after, we are already in the middle of the cinema, parked along with the other cars, eating the take-away KFC chicken that we bought before we come in here which we paired with the fried rice that Aaron cooked, watching from the big-ass screen up high in front of us and listening from the blasting car speakers, tuning in to the frequency that we need to tune-in to. It was absolute fun. I will definitely maximize going here while the cinema is still kicking. I just read earlier somewhere that they were already planning to close it down within 5 years. I hope not!