Project 365 Day 37: Multi-storey Fun
f/2.0, 1/180 sec, ISO 1600
Australia is celebrating Anzac Day today. What does this mean for us? Holiday. No work. Since Aaron and I indulged in a movie yesterday, it is Kimi’s turn to indulge this time around. There is a play centre nearby that we have not gone to yet so we headed there earlier. I became excited when I saw the play areas in there. There is a soft play area for kids 3 years older and under; a huge ball pit in the middle; a multi-level soft play track for bigger kids and an area with a few slides. I am already an adult and I still got excited. I just wonder how Kimi felt when he first saw this huge place full of toys and fun play areas. Kimi did not stay long in the soft play area. He instead was always pushing to go to the multi-level play area and he even was able to go to the top, with a little help from his father of course. It was fun to see him having fun with the other kids and experiencing something new.