All tagged 2-3 years

Books We Read: Picture Books That Sparked Our Love for Reading

Reading books about topics I find interesting was put on a back burner for quite sometime before the whole world went into pandemic. When the pandemic forced businesses to take a break; workers to work from home and people to stay indoors, I found having more time in my pocket that I could possibly ask for. I rediscovered my love for reading and incorporated it back again in my daily life.

Flag Work

Kimi started with his deep interest with country flags when he was just a little over 2 years old. It started when he stumbled upon a 14-minute video of the country flags in Youtube.

Whenever this particular video would come up he would then get up and dance in front of the television. Mind you, it was not even a danceable background music. Nonetheless, he would still dance as if it was a party music.

How We First Setup Our Shelves

This is the first setup I did of Kimi’s shelves. I did this roughly 2 months ago when I started reading about the different teaching methods (eg. Montessori, Waldorf) It is not much but the effect that organising his shelves had on me was tremendous. I felt very happy and pleased with this!