For the longest time now of wanting to have a domain, I am ecstatic to get and setup mine yesterday. It is nearly a year now since the last time I wrote an entry in my previous, now-defunct blog; the reason that had led me to decide to open a blog site that I have to pay monthly premiums for so that I would be forced to write a couple of posts every now and then since it would be a waste if I don't.
And of course, that inevitable truth that I could not mask missing writing. I miss the feeling that it gives every time that it allows me to have the opportunity to express myself in ways that the offline world could not bring me to do. I miss the satisfaction it gives when I finish writing a lengthy but well thought out entry. I miss learning and playing with new words, that feeling of being able to share my insights and discoveries to a wider scope of audience, of scrambling on things to say because I am having serious bouts of mental block and of aimlessly tapping on my keyboard in the middle of the night just to finish what I have started.
A whole lot of reasons in which the bottom line is I am here to pursue it again.
Over and over again that I try to establish a new relationship with writing does it always ends up unfinished, hanging or worse, in chaos. I have established a love and hate relationship with writing, got frustrated with it and cursed it at times, even. But though I have repeatedly disappointed it, here we are again trying to start anew.
I am thankful that writing had given me another chance to redeem myself. I just sincerely hope that this time around we will be able to work this out, and hopefully, with a pailful of determination from my end, we will be able to sustain it for the long term.