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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

Daily Post #2: Finding and Establishing a Skincare Regimen (1/3)

I’ve never been an avid user of any skincare or makeup products. I am lazy when it comes to taking care of my skin and looking good. I think it is because it usually takes up precious time to do all of those and I do not have that kind of patience for those kind of things. I had only been using cleanser for my face and whenever I try to experiment and add a moisturizer or sunscreen into the routine, it would not take long before I dismiss them again and put them in the cabinet to collect dust and what not.

This is maybe because my skin is good to me. I do not have any problem area. I do not get pimples easily. I only had white heads once in a while which they say is due to the oily foods that I sometimes eat but aside from that, my skin’s fine.

But lately, I was forced to up my routine as I had experienced how winter can be unforgiving. This is my first winter here in Australia as I have only moved here last spring. My lips cracked and bled like crazy, red dots appeared all over my body and my face was just so dry and blah. Since I know that I do not have the patience to do makeup, I decided to just take better care of my skin, starting with my face since it’s the party of my body that is always exposed and it is practically my identity.

So I started my skincare-brand hunt and in the process found this amazing Australian brand that offers a wide variety of skincare products that are all organic, vegan and 100% natural and not that expensive. What more is that they offer sample packs that could last for 2+ weeks so potential customers could first try their product and decide later on if they want to buy the full-sized ones. That’s how you know that you are not being duped and the products are really amazing. I also do not like to spend my money on a full-sized bottle or tub and later on realizing that I do not like it at all. Anyway, it is perfect for me and it is exactly what I was looking for!

Finding and Establishing a Skincare Regimen (2/3) | Finding and Establishing a Skincare Regimen (3/3)

Daily Post #3: Finding and Establishing a Skincare Regimen (2/3)

Daily Post #1: Birthday