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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

Daily Post #15: Wedding Photos


When Aaron and I were planning the details of our wedding, we had what we call our “uncompromisables”. Our uncompromisables are those suppliers that are top priority and those that we should not scrimp on. Since I have this belief that our wedding photos and wedding videos are what we will go back to every now and then, they should be done by artists who are really masters in their crafts. It is great to have a partner who has the same perception that is why we focused our first efforts into finding photographers and videographers that have styles that we like and could really deliver.


The first supplier that we have booked is the photographer. It had not been an easy task to find one but we already got our eye fixed to a few favorites even then. What we primarily considered in a photographer is his/her ability to capture candid moments. We did not like to pose a lot and we did not want to spend most of our time during our wedding day, being stiff, posing and smiling for the camera. We want to just enjoy our day with the people that we love and we want someone to capture those heartfelt interactions and sudden emotions that resulted from those interactions and other inside forces. We want someone who thrives in the raw beauty of a moment and see in an instant what would work and what would not.


We had been eyeing Jaja Samaniego for quite sometime then and even before we have considered to get her. Her photos are just perfect realizations of what we want our own wedding photos to look like and be. They are beautiful. They are raw. They all tell a story. They are timeless.


I have already inserted some photos that I loved prior this. Below are some more proofs of Jaja and her team's awesomeness:


Daily Post #16: It's Amazing How He Works (1/2)

Daily Post #14: Prenatal Yoga Class (3/3)