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Hi! I am Lav.

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Daily Post #4: Establishing a Skincare Regimen (3/3)


Finding and Establishing a Skincare Regimen (1/3) | Finding and Establishing a Skincare Regimen (2/3)

Tada! And here are the samples. Happy Skincare calls their samples as super-sized samples and they really live up to their name. These samples can last up to 2 weeks or may be more. In my case, I have already been using these babies for 2 weeks now and I am only halfway through with most of them!

I’ll walk you through each of them.

The ‘Cloud 9’ Deep Cleansing Balm is the cleanser. Balm as a cleanser is something new to me. I am used to using cleansers that produces a lot of foam but this one is different. It has a milky texture and it feels like it does not do much when I apply it on my face but surprisingly, after washing off, my face definitely feels fresh and soft. It promises to remove any grime, dirt or even makeup that have collected on the face during the day. I have not seen the effectivity yet of this cleanser in removing makeup but I can attest that it is very effective in removing dirt.

The next item in the 3-step system is the toner. The one I got is the ‘Raindrops on Roses’ Hydrating Tonic, which is the tonic for dry and normal skin. You apply it by spritzing until your face is moist and by letting the tonic seep through your skin. Again, this one is so new to me! I remember that toners are meant to be put first on a cotton pad and the dewy cotton pad be wiped on the face. I am quite sure this has been in the market for quite some time now and it just goes to show how clueless and behind I am when it comes to development in skincare. Anyway, I love how the tonic makes my face more supple after!

The last item in the most basic system is the moisturizer. Happy Skincare offers 2 different moisturizers for each skin type, the skin type combos being dry/normal/sensitive and combination/oily. I fall on the former that is why I got the ‘Good Vibes’ Omega Facial Oil as part of the 3-step system and I also got their ‘Perfectly Happy’ Light Anti-Oxidant Cream to try.

Since the oil is heavier, I reserve it for my night application and just use the light cream during the day. Though the oil is relatively heavier (a balance of 5 different omega oils), I am surprised that my skin can still absorb it easily and is not at all greasy. I also love its beautiful aroma, which is a combination of Australian Blue Cypress, Sandalwood and Fragonia. It just smells so fresh and invigorating for me. If you want deep hydration, this is the way to go!

The light cream is very cool to the face and has a feathery lightness to it. The aroma of this one is lighter than that of the facial oil which is perfect for day use. According to them, it also sits perfectly and wonderfully under makeup.

Lastly is the ‘Pig-In-Mud’ Mineral Mask. I can’t say much about this one yet as I was able to finish the sample pack in one use (well, the pack can last for two uses but I forced my husband to accompany me :) ) but I appreciate how a small amount and a thin layer could go a long way. The mud mask is packaged in powder form so you have to make your mask but mixing 1/2 teaspoon of the powder with equal parts of water for a single use. This adds fun to the whole process! And it is not messy to make at all. Very easy to remove too!

Overall, I so far love all the products that I got from them. I could not go by a day now without going through my skincare routine. Thanks to Happy Skincare, I think I’ve already found my regimen. I am so excited to see the long term effect of using them!

Daily Post #5: Random

Daily Post #3: Finding and Establishing a Skincare Regimen (2/3)