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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

Daily Post #5: Random

I had been alternately typing and erasing what I am typing for approximately 5 minutes now. I honestly do not know what to write and where to start. What I only know is that I have to keep my word. I have a daily commitment to write everyday regardless and I have to do it. If not, I would just be cheating myself. Yes, this may be my first slump but I can go through this!

I can’t sleep yet since I slept early last night and woke up almost midday earlier today. This is what I like about Sundays: I could just sleep in and relax all day. It also did not help that the day started gloomy and the weather lazy-encouraging. After a while of tossing and turning and sneaking in more hours of sleep than usual, I knew I already have to get out of bed. I just did my normal weekly chores and started cooking our lunch. It was good that my husband was lazy to cook earlier today so I got a chance to cook. Also, it is timely that I cooked for him something as today is Father’s Day here in Australia. I always let my husband do the cooking if he wanted to because he really is a great cook. All the dishes he has cooked starting last week were something that I had already been missing back home for quite some time now. Adobo chicken feet? Sisig? Inasal chicken feet and neck? They are all so delicious and amazing.

I cooked Nilagang Baka (beef in broth) for our lunch. I was surprised that the beef ribs I bought from Woolworths were just the perfect meat for a Nilaga. I now know what to buy the next time! I am so glad that Aaron liked it too! After lunch, we just did some shopping and headed on to the Princess Theatre to watch the Book of Mormon afterwards. I’ll make a different post of the play from this as I was already saved by the bell.

Daily Post #6: Looking Forward

Daily Post #4: Establishing a Skincare Regimen (3/3)