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Hi! I am Lav.

Welcome to my creative portfolio. I document here my learnings and experiences from my own parenting journey. Take your time to explore and hope you have a nice stay!

Project 365 Day 85: Raining Hard

Project 365 Day 85: Raining Hard

We were supposed to go to some of the sights in Port Campbell National Park that morning, before we were bound to check out, but since it was raining hard and it has also been forecasted to rain the whole day, we just decided to take our time out, lounge in, had breakfast in the cottage before heading out. The first order of business was to go the Twelve Apostles. It was my second time there and I was still awestruck. Rain or shine, the Twelve Apostles is still a view to behold. It is truly magnificent. We went after to the Gibson Steps but since it was raining so hard, we just stayed on top of the steps, eyeing the magnificent view ahead of us. We did not stay long and went to the Loch Ard Gorge after which is pictured here. It is one of my favorite views in the whole stretch of the Great Ocean Road and I just love how calmness is retained here as the two rocks on each side break the huge waves coming in to the shore. London Bridge was next in which I decided to just stay with the car with Kimi and my grandmother.

The bad weather was getting worse so we just decided to have the London Bridge as out last point of attraction that day before leaving Port Campbell. Before heading back to Melbourne, we stopped over in Timboon where we had our lunch. We drove back to Melbourne for 2.5 hours. The sun had already set when we arrived in Melbourne. Since the night was still young, we decided to visit the Winter Night Market at Queen Victoria where we had our dinner before we headed home and called it a day.

Project 365 Day 86: Yarra Again

Project 365 Day 86: Yarra Again

Project 365 Day 84: Roadtrip Continues

Project 365 Day 84: Roadtrip Continues